RACEPC Advance Care Planning in Residential Aged Care

Foundation Level

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Education DETAILS:
  • Cost: See Dates and Enrol
  • Level: Foundation
  • Delivery Mode: Webinar
  • Duration: ee Dates and Enrol
  • Certificate: Yes
EDUCATION overview
There is increasing emphasis from government agencies and healthcare providers to improve the completion rates of Advanced Care Planning (ACP) documents. This education session will highlight the challenges in balancing community expectations with the right of individuals to make autonomous decisions regarding their health and personal care.

RACEPC and PaSCE offer ACP-specific courses that are highly recommended for facility staff. This spotlights the Residential Goals of Care (RGoC) form, its purpose, and how it should be used. Participants will understand that whilst the RGoC does not replace an Advance Health Directive (AHD) or Values and Preferences form but is used in conjunction with them.

This workshop will clarify the role of facility staff in embedding the RGoC form into practice, ensuring it benefits both residents and staff, and supports the provision of appropriate care.
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learning outcomes
  1. Understand the challenges in balancing community expectations with individuals' rights to make autonomous health and personal care decisions.
  2. Recognise the role of the Residential Goals of Care (RGoC) form in advanced care planning and its relationship with Advance Health Directives (AHD) and Values and Preferences forms.
  3. Understand the importance of ACP in supporting person-centred care and respecting patient autonomy.
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Education intended for
Allied Health, Ambulance, Facility Manager, Medical Practitioner, Nurse Practitioner, Nurse, Nurse Assistant, Other.