Advance Care Planning & Advance Health Directive Resources for Health Professionals

In cooperation with the Department of Health, below is a list of available resources to guide your practice for your patients, clients and/or residents. 

Educational Videos for the Health Professional

Short videos to develop your understanding of the changes to  ACP and AHD in WA.

Familiarise yourself with the Guides:
Health Professional Guides

For you

The Health Professional guide to ACP in WA includes general information that is applicable for most roles and settings. If used electronically, you will be linked to other resources where relevant. This guide is intended as a first point of reference for health professionals to familiarise themselves and can be used before or during the ACP process.

In addition to the recorded webinars provided by PaSCE, a "Take 5" PowerPoint and AHD PowerPoint have been created by the Department of Health for further education opportunities. 

For your patient, client and/or resident

It is useful to familiarise yourself with the Guide to making an AHD in WA, this prepares and guides someone to complete an AHD. It is designed to be used in conjunction with the AHD form. A patient may need to initially complete the Your Guide to Advance Care Planning in WA: A workbook to help you plan for your future care prior to even considering the AHD process and making a formal AHD.

Which forms do I need ?

For more information, assistance or to view resources visit:

Ordering resources:

Refer to the Advance Care Planning Resources Order Form and contact the Department of Health Advance Care Planning Information Line on 9222 2300 or email

Patient/ Waiting room Brochures

There are multiple brochures you can stock for patients. Here are 4 key documents.
Ordering resources:
You may choose to keep some ACP workbooks if the topic is broached with a client, and they are keen to progress. You can also keep some AHD packs on hand, which can be ordered from the Department of Health. Refer to the Advance Care Planning Resources Order Form and contact the Department of Health Advance Care Planning Information Line on 9222 2300 or email

Videos for Patients