Advance Care Planning & Advance Health Directive Resources for Health Professionals
Educational Videos for the Health Professional
Short videos to develop your understanding of the changes to ACP and AHD in WA.
Advance care planning in WA: what it is and what it means for you
Advance care planning in WA: the role of health professionals
WA Advance Health Directive: what it is and how to get started
WA Advance Health Directive: the role of health professionals
Familiarise yourself with the Guides:
Health Professional Guides
For you
For your patient, client and/or resident
Which forms do I need ?
Person needs more information about advance care planning and beginning the
Your Guide to Advance Care Planning in WA: A workbook to help plan for your future care.
Advance care planning brochure
Person knows their values, beliefs and care preferences but is not ready to
record specific treatment decisions
Values and Preferences Form: Planning for my future care
Person knows the treatments they do or do not want in the future and would like
to record their treatment decisions and values
Advance Health Directive (AHD) Form
Guide to Making an Advance Health Directive in WA
Person has trusted people in their life who would make appropriate decisions
about their care
Enduring Power of Guardianship (EPG)
Person does not/ no longer has capacity, does not have an existing AHD or
Values and Preference Form but has people in their life who know them well
Advance care plan for a person with insufficient decision-making capacity
For more information, assistance or to view resources visit:
Ordering resources:
Patient/ Waiting room Brochures
There are multiple brochures you can stock for patients. Here are 4 key documents.
Advance Care Planning Brochure
Your Choices Brochure - for making an Advance Health Directive and appointing an enduring guardian
Advance care planning brochure for the Aboriginal community
Advance Health Directive Alert Card
Videos for Patients
Advance care planning in WA: What it is and what it means for you
WA Advance Health Directive: What it is and how to get started
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